Krause-Transporte KG, Leipzig
"When a pallet is delivered, our drivers can now scan it with the camera on their mobile device, and the recipient can confirm delivery of the goods by signing directly on the smartphone or tablet, which then automatically adds a time stamp. This status message is now sent to our transport management system Transdata. Crucially, it is then forwarded immediately to one of our partners, International Logistic Network (ILN) or System Transport on Wheels (S.T.a.R.), via the interface installed by SPEDION.
Most importantly, our partners can instantly check whether a shipment has been delivered to the transfer point or the customer. All the processes are automated, eliminating the need for tedious manual scanning with more equipment.
If any questions or problems arise, we can always contact the SPEDION team, get immediate feedback, and have the problem quickly resolved." – July 2019
Martin Pfeiffer, Transport Manager at Krause-Transporte
Podelwitzer Str. 73
D-04356 Leipzig
Tel.: +49 034294 821 0
Fax.: +49 034294 821 22