Alfred Schuon GmbH – Internationale Spedition + Logistik, Haiterbach
„We have been working with the SPEDION app since 2013 and use it for almost all our vehicles. The system gives us an highly customised and flexible workflow for order processing - especially via the interface to our OnRoad freight forwarding software.
We use the driving and GPS data collected with SPEDION for expense and payroll accounting and work in this area error-free, faster and more straightforward than before. The flexible
document management helps us to digitalise our processes. The eco-evaluation enables us to precisely record the driving behaviour of our drivers and thus pay out bonuses for
resource-saving driving.
At the same time, the drivers receive direct feedback via the tool and can adjust their driving style accordingly. They keep telling us how easy it is for them to communicate via the
tablet. Overall, the SPEDION app is a flexible, clean system with a good price-performance ratio for us.“ – November 2019
Rolf Berkowitz, Commercial Director
Bühlwiesenweg 15
D-72221 Haiterbach
Tel.: +49 7456 693 0
Fax.: +49 7456 693 153