Extended trial
Your individual access to SPEDION telematics under real conditions.
Your real-world assessment of the SPEDION telematics system
Want more than just a general understanding of our SPEDION telematics system? Would you like to see how SPEDION can benefit your business? For a one-time setup fee, you can try out our SPEDION App and SPEDIONline web portal at your own place of business for eight weeks.
Once our system connects to your TMS and digital tachograph, you and your drivers can access all the features of our Android-based telematics solution. It will also integrate with your preferred navigation system.
Please note: The test vehicles will need an Android device and SPEDION TruckBox E installed to participate in this extended trial.

Your advantages
Full evaluation of SPEDION App and SPEDIONline
Test the system on your own vehicles
8-week trial with telephone support
Readout of telemetry and tachograph data
Choice of navigation system
Comprehensive support
During the setup and the test phase, our experienced team from telephone technical support will be on hand to assist you.
We can also advise you on any hardware you need and supply that for you as well.
Get started!
We're happy to go over the terms and conditions and the specifics of the free trial offer and answer any questions you may have.
If you'd like an extended trial, please send us an email. We promise to get back to you as soon as possible.